Thursday, July 20, 2006

Finished Object (what's that smell?)

I haven't JUST been combing the grad library stacks and visiting parades, you know. I've also been knitting. I fished the ruffle pullover I started a few months ago. Considering it was only my third knitting project ever, I am pleased with how it turned out.

After all, I didn't know the liabilities of variegated yarn, hence the change in "pattern" at the armpits, when I started a new ball of yarn.

I also wasn't aware of the "sale yarn" trap*. This was 50% off, so I bought it. Five little 50 g. skeins. No project in mind. No sense, really, of what average projects take. When I finally settled on a pattern, I had no idea how close I was cutting it. When all was said and done and the last seams sewed, I had about 30 inches of yarn remaining. Hence the roll-neck collar instead of another ruffle!

After I finished my photo shoot with the sweater, I saw our nightly visitor searching for insects in the front yard. This is one of two babies that visit nightly, usually with their mama. In case you can't quite tell from the photo, it's a skunk, heading for our neighbors' shrubs.

*My second Yarn Sale tale of woe -- I may be a little slow on the uptake -- is also my first experience with mail-order yarn. I have longed for Brooks Farm Yarn since February. Every few days I visit their website and gaze longingly at the colors. It was their mention of a possible visit to the Michigan Fiber Arts Festival that first alerted me to the fact that such events exist (yes I'm going). Imagine my excitement last week when their "Widows and Orphans" section had items in it for the first time. Not only that, but the description for the various skeins would say "Only 7 skeins" or "Only 4 skeins." I misinterpreted that to mean that they were selling only these quantities of yarn per order. "7 skeins for $27!" I thought. So I bought an order of 7 and an order of 4, all for $54.

Imagine my disappointment yesterday when my order arrived in a small envelope. "It's the first of several shipments," I reasoned. No. The envelope contained one skein of the first color and one skein of the second color -- 500 yards each -- and my packing slip confirming this was the entire order. What am I going to do with 1 skein each of mohair/wool yarn? 4 hats? 2 scarves? Yawn.

Of course now there are only 6 skeins of the first color and 3 of the second available at the Widows and Orphans site. I could add to my stash. But not for another $27 each.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing the sweater. It looks beautiful. And as far as the individual skeins go, have you ever looked at any of Kaffe Fassett's knitting books? He's got plenty of great ideas for what to do with little bits of color.

8:02 PM  
Blogger doulicia said...

I love what Kaffe Fassett does with color. I've just always been intimidated by the number of colors he uses in any one project and the number of times you have to change them! But I'll follow your link and see if I get any other inspirations. thanks. You know what, Julie, I actually was planning to use the first color (which I thought was more yellow than it is) for your reading-in-bed cover. I haven't forgotten! But alas one skein will maybe make a sleeve and a half. (And yet, what a sleeve and a half...part soft...)

9:30 PM  

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