Monday, August 14, 2006

Updates all around

I cleaned up my blogroll a bit. I was sad to see "You Knit What?" close its virtual doors. And Iatrogenic Causes has been quiet for so many months it is as good as gone. I miss it.

Then there were other blogs I found I was, for whatever reason, no longer reading. Red Spiral is a fascinating journey of discovery. I will follow it on my own and hope many of you do, too. It has evolved and expanded from its original doula focus. I don't know why I stopped enjoying Abortion Clinic Days. It's well written. The posts are compelling. Maybe I'll return to it someday. Likewise with Andrea's Diary. I feel criminal taking it down. But I use my blogroll, too. And I don't want it full of blogs I never visit, no matter how meritorious their content.

But what a fabulous new birth partner we have in FPMama. And I'm including a few new knitting blogs' links as well. There are many out there and I'm probably going to continue to cycle them through from time to time. I like to keep my blogroll manageable, not 80 titles long.

And finally, I discovered that a missing chunk of code was obstructing my links to Navelgazing Midwife, The Edge of the Forest and I Blame the Patriarchy. I'm happy to connect you with them now.

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On the doula front, I gave a footbath to my August client last night. It was very nice. She chose jasmine scent for the water. Thanks to the windows open on opposite sides of the room, the smell all came to me. It was delightful. I tried to fan some up to her but she had to settle for tactile rewards, not olfactory ones. She is due in a couple of weeks. Between now and then I'm out of town for an eight day vacation. She says she's sure she'll deliver the Sunday I get home. So I'll fill you in on the details in a couple of weeks!


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