Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Survey Says Women Want VBAC Option

In a survey jointly sponsored by Childbirth Connection and Lamaze International, 85% of women surveyed felt pregnant women should have the option of VBAC if they want it. In reality, however, only 12% of women reported having a VBAC. Nearly half of the women who had a subsequent Cesearean delivery said they were interested in a VBAC, but found their caregiver or hospital did offer the option.

Don't we have more political power than that? If 85% of us think VBACs should be offered, certainly we can get our hospitals, insurers, physicians and midwives to provide them. If we can get strings removed from children's coat hoods, we can call attention to the VBAC issue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really nervous about any future births I may have after having a c-section for my first. I'm scared that I won't really have the support or encouragement from my doctor. I'm worried he would be too worried about a lawsuit if I try for a VBAC and something happens. And I'm afraid of not knowing all the risks involved w/a VBAC. I'm hoping to have a doula next time though hopefully that will help!

9:01 PM  
Blogger doulicia said...

Start educating yourself now and SHOP AROUND if that's an option.

I understand your concerns. I hope you find an awesome doula!

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for calling attention to the issue... for me. A primary c/s and two home births... this is near and dear to me! It will take a lot of women taking up this issue to get the recognition it deserves! Not just my somewhat toned down soap box rants...
mama c-ta... go out there, get educated and find a careprovider who believes in birth, your body and your children deserve that knowledge and effort! You can do it!

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe 15% of women don't think we should have the OPTION. That number speaks to a lot of fear and misinformation. Don't force me to have surgery and I won't force you to push... VBAC isn't right for every woman with a previous c-section, but is a good option for the vast majority, and shouldn't that be up to us and our doctor/midwife, not hospital administrators, insurance companies, random arbitrary policy-makers?

Mama c-ta, good luck in any and all future births. Give yourself time to fully recover from #1 emotionally and physically, and definitely do your research before thinking about #2. You have to know what you want before you can get it (or even ask for it). If your family/doctor/friends don't support your choice, find others who do. A local chapter of the International Cesarean Awareness Network is a great place to connect with other women who have shared this experience.

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to do some serious hunting to find a pro-VBAC doc who not only agreed to let me try but actively supported the idea. Not so easy, but oh so worthwhile!

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for drawing attention to the subject of VBAC. There are actually hospitals in Michigan that have "banned" VBAC by not offering that option at all and some whose policies make it almost impossible. There are many things women can do to prevent a subsequent cesarean, but one of the best ways is to prevent a primary cesarean. For more information, search "cesarean awareness" and look for a local ICAN chapter.

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was refused a VBAC with my son and i didnt have the time or the right insurance that would allow me to shop around. i have done extensive research now and there are several sites that u can find that will support vbac even if u have had 2 c-sections like me. i plan the next time around to push the idea and do what i think is right for my body. depending on age theres a super low risk of rupture and even a rupture can be fixed without going to extreme lengths. the websites i have found even said that u could use a midwife and if she finds a problem then she can refer u back to a doctor. i have also read about people having home births after having c-sections. the information to support u is out there just google vbac and read everything not just one site.

9:54 AM  

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