Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Nothing special about the "DUC," I'm just trying to write in the voice of GOD. Imagine the DUC syllable reverberating and you'll know what effect I was going for.

All of which is really irrelevant to my point: my client is getting induced today. She is 41 weeks and a few days. This is exactly what happened to her last pregnancy. Her uterus just doesn't like to let go of its charge. So send good thoughts her (our?) way.

One weird thing: they're having her come in in the evening. Why on earth you would start an induction in the evening, virtually guaranteeing a sleepless night, is beyond me. I'm used to inductions starting in the morning. But I've never had a flat-out induction before. All the ones I've been at have been because the woman's water broke and then she didn't have contractions. So in that sense, the time her water broke is driving the timeline. Here it's completely arbitrary and the hospital wants her to come in tonight.

So that's what we'll do. Hopefully I can give a baby report tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll put up a post I've been saving for just such an entertainment lull.


Blogger Jennifer Laycock said...

I've actually heard about quite a few inductions taking place overnight. Usually this seems to happen when the cervix isn't quite ripe yet (what was your clients Bishop's score?) and they want to put in a dose of cervadil or some other prostaglandin (sp?) on the cervix.

Then they can let the cervix start to open up overnight while the moms sleeps and they can start moving into a more active induction (pitocin or whatever) in the morning.

Hope all goes well for you both!

11:01 AM  
Blogger Princess PinkLady said...

My induction started overnight...cervadil in at 7pm, out at 7am. Plan was to start Pitocin that morning. And I can attest for the restless sleep. I didn't sleep a wink ;)

6:35 PM  
Blogger Connie Thompson said...

The reason for evening inductions is to coincide with her physicians schedule better. This is as he works towards "daylight obstetrics" which is becoming rampant lately because of the high patient loads. All women with low bishop scores are induced in the evening so that they have the whole night to proceed into active labour. If by morning nothing happens, it is repeated the following evening and/or she is sectioned to make way for the next patient (who has a higher bishop score) being admitted the next morning. Cynical? You bet. Having heard thousands of women with this experience and a cesarean outcome, the truth isn't pretty.

12:13 PM  

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